Never underestimate the power of a life lived sencillo- quiet, easy going, straight-forward, simple hearted. There is joy in plain living.
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Enjoying the sweetness of Christmas
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Becoming a yoga teacher and other daydreams
Bucket list: become a yoga teacher
I thought of it as a pipe dream. After struggling with endometriosis for many years and finally getting better, I decided it might indeed be possible. I don't know whether I'll ever really be confident enough to actually teach but I will be a registered yoga teacher!
Don't give up on your dreams. They may have to be altered. They may not live up to your expectations. But it's better to try than to never know.
I thought of it as a pipe dream. After struggling with endometriosis for many years and finally getting better, I decided it might indeed be possible. I don't know whether I'll ever really be confident enough to actually teach but I will be a registered yoga teacher!
Don't give up on your dreams. They may have to be altered. They may not live up to your expectations. But it's better to try than to never know.
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Cookies and creme shake
Want a healthy treat? Try my concoction for a cookies and creme shake:
One scoop Jay Robb vanilla egg white protein powder
1-2 tsp almond butter
A handful of dark chocolate chips
1 to 1 1/2 c Silk unsweetened cashew milk
Blend and enjoy.
There's plenty of room for you to adjust to your own taste- more chocolate, more almond butter, etc.
I like that Jay Robb uses stevia instead of more synthetic sweeteners. And dark chocolate and almond butter is good for our health. Filling, sweet tooth satisfying, quick, and yummy!
Saturday, May 2, 2015
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Life Is Beautiful
It's so easy to get bogged down by life's pressures, demands, insecurities. The thing I like about meditation is it reminds you look above all that. To remember that life is short and we should live it as we would dream it should be in the here and now.
Meditation doesn't have to be a formal sit-in-this-position type of thing. Simply sitting outside and listening to the birds chirp and the wind whispering in the trees and focusing on the here and now can be a powerful meditation. Taking a stick and drawing nonsense in the dirt can be a meditation. Staring blankly at a beautiful painting or photograph (like in those funny moments where you realize you've been staring blankly inadvertently at a stranger without realizing it...) can be a meditation. Taking a moment on the commute home as you listen to music or the sounds around you to breathe in a moment of peace.
Take a moment today and remember Life Is Beautiful.
Monday, March 30, 2015
Take delight in something today
“Nothing in the world is permanent, and we’re foolish when we ask anything to last, but surely we’re still more foolish not to take delight in it while we have it.”
― W. Somerset Maugham
― W. Somerset Maugham
"Teach us delight in simple things And mirth that has no bitter springs; Forgiveness free of evil done, And love to all men 'neath the sun!" (Joseph) Rudyard Kipling
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Ah, enjoyment. The state or process of taking pleasure in something. La vie en rose. Joie de vivre. Maurice Chevalier sings about it- enjoy it!
Ah, the joy of living in the sunlight, singing in the moonlight: (go ahead- give your cares a boot!)
Or take the advice of Bing Crosby and Rosemary Clooney- don't worry:
Although you might be more of a Bob Marley fan:
It all comes down to taking delight it the simple joys of living. The scent of a flower, the sound of a child's laugh or your favorite song, the feel of soft sunlight or a furry puppy or kitty on your skin, the taste of a fresh apple, the sight of a beautiful landscape. Take a moment today and notice the joy of your senses.
Life can be terribly hard and complicated. There are stealthy demands on who we should be and what we should be doing. The push always seems to be more, to do more, to earn more, more, more, more.
But more can leave us with burdens we were never meant to carry. Perhaps a life lived sencillo-
But more can leave us with burdens we were never meant to carry. Perhaps a life lived sencillo-
simple, easy, straightforward, easygoing, simple-hearted, quiet- would leave us happier and lighter.
This doesn't mean there won't be murky waters. It means we calmly arise through the waters like the lotus. It doesn't mean life won't get crazy or hectic. It means we move from a place of centeredness and peace. Like it states in Isaiah (26:3) "You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You."